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Missionaries – congo-studying

Are Mormons Racist?

Weird Al asked Donny Osmond to be in his parody music video ‘White and Nerdy’ because he said, “he was the whitest guy I could think of.” Now raise your hands if you think that had a thinly veiled Mormon reference in there. All of this is meant to be taken tongue in cheek of […]

Paris France Temple

Mormon Temple Secrets Exposed!

Some family came to France to visit and we went to see the sites in Paris and took them to see the new Paris temple. I’d love to tell you about it but I can’t, it’s a secret. We went a few times last year to the public open house to take some people that […]


Secrets Anti-Mormons don’t want you to know

A few years ago as I began to be exposed to the tidal wave of anti-Christian and more specifically anti-Mormon videos on Youtube, I remember thinking that I wanted to become a great apologist. An apologist is someone who speaks or writes in defense of someone or something. I wanted to help defend these false […]


Baptism for the Dead?

Today we’re going to talk about the controversy of baptism and how it went from mandatory in New Testament Christianity to optional in modern Christianity. For Latter-day Saints it is so mandatory that we even do baptisms on behalf of our ancestors who have died without it. Mainstream Christianity throw dust in the air, stop […]


”For me, the impact of this video series was most felt in my own studies after watching it. I felt as if my comprehension and appreciation of the scriptures has greatly grown. I am able to read the prophecies with a new perspective and thankfulness for everything we have gained from the restoration of the gospel. The principles presented are well placed, well edited and humbly presented. For anyone looking to grow their scriptural knowledge and strengthen their testimony of the restoration, this is a great way to start."

Jacob - Telford, England

Definitely a must watch!

"If you thought you already knew about Joseph Smith's story and the beginning of the church, wait until you watch these DVDs.  Shane shares his passion and knowledge so well you'll feel like you've lived brother Joseph's last days with him.  It is eye opening and will allow you to understand these events like you've never understood before.  Share them with everyone around you, it is definitely a must watch!"

Sarah - Ain, France

Completely changed my perspective!

"I love this series! There were so many things that I did not know that profoundly deepened my testimony of the restored gospel and the prophet Joseph Smith. The series truly brought the scriptures and the gospel to life and completely changed my perspective. I definitely recommend it!"

Parker - Florida, USA